Livestock Economics Workshop
July 19,2024 | $25 | Alexandria, LA
The co-hosted Livestock Economics workshop is an all-day workshop with multiple speakers throughout the day. Below is the agenda and speaker list.

Schedule of Events
8:30 Check-in and Networking
8:50 Welcome and Introduction
9:00 Fundamental Terminology and Accounting Principles- Mrs. Hannah Hendry
9:45 Segments of the Livestock Industries- Dr. Ashley Edwards, LSU AgCenter
10:15 BREAK
10:30 Grazing Economics - James McCann, Louisiana NRCS Economist
11:15 Production Costs and Adding Value - Lee Faulk, LSU AgCenter
12:00 Lunch + Networking, round table discussions
1:00 Budgeting and Record Keeping - Dr. Kurt Guidry, LSU AgCenter
1:45 Marketing Panel. Amelia Kent, Moderator, LFBF
Producers and Industry Representatives: Robert Duncan, Jonathan Lopinto, Joel Smith
3:00 Conclusion