Cattle Producers of Louisiana
Board Member's Story: Dave Foster
Long-time LGLCI Board member Dave Foster sits on our board as a representative from Cattle Producers of Louisiana. His involvement as the CEO of the organization keeps LGLCI in-the-know with their events and opens doors to collaborate. Get to know the organization and learn about their summer bus tour in Dave’s story below:

Cattle Producers of Louisiana (CPL) is a state organization, structured on a regional basis, formed to facilitate the combined efforts of participants within the Louisiana cattle industry for the purpose of mutual benefit. This is a grassroots organization. Policy and direction come from our membership and everyone has an opportunity to have his/her voice heard. The Executive Committee of CPL consisting of three active members, takes a 4–5-day trip every Summer to visit various cattle operations, back grounders, feedlots, packing plants, and agriculture universities.
This year Mike Kovac, Dave Sanson and myself headed to the Southeast (Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia) to visit a Polled Hereford Ranch, Line One Horned Hereford Ranch, Brangus-Ultrablack Ranch, a feedlot and a bio-diversity ranch. Our first stop was at Stokes Farm in Porterville, MS. A Polled Hereford Ranch that consisted of Hereford cows and bulls from the R.W. Brown genetics. The next morning, we stopped in Uniontown, AL at the BDA Farm. This 6000-acre farm raises laying hens, cattle, bees, sheep, hogs and vegetables all on natural forages, yes, the laying hens (4000 head) were on pasture. The eggs, honey and vegetables are processed and packaged on the farm and the cattle, lambs, hogs are processed off the farm and then the meat is shipped back to be delivered to customers. Allen Williams with Understanding Ag was our host.
We left this unique enterprise and headed to Chatel Farms in Reidsville, GA to tour an 8000 head feedlot where director of farm operations Colin Matthewsshowed us the operation. Our main reason for the visit was to see their confinement barns. The three barns had pens that held 100-110 head each and they finished 4000 head “under roof”. This feedlot is a part of FPL Foods, a major cow slaughter plant in Augusta, GA whose goal is to produce high quality beef from 50% Angus Cross cattle.
The next day we headed for Gadsden, AL. where we stopped at Debter Farms, a Line 1 Horned Hereford cattle operation. These Hereford cattle were moderate framed, long bodied and heavily muscled. Perry Debter told us his mama cows milked and weaned a healthy, heavy calf. They have an annual bull sale in October (Oct. 23, 2021).
Our final stop was at Town Creek Farm, West Point, MS. Joy Reznicek Sundeck was our host. They raise purebred Brangus and Ultrablack bulls and replacement females by developing practical, functional, forage-based genetics. These moderate frame forage-based bulls and females were designed for the commercial cow/calf producer to reduce their production costs while producing a marketable calf.
CPL has been in business since 2008 and has assisted in making the Louisiana cow/calf industry sustainable. For the past 5 years, CPL has hosted regional meetings promoting cover crops. Our vision is that cattle producers can partner with row crop farmers utilizing cover crops for mutual benefit. To contact CPL, you can reach out to